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ActivityActivity dateActivity description
Baggy Point, Putsborough and Croyde 2016-04-10 A doggie walk in the howling wind. Round Baggy Point and back to Putsborough and then on to Croyde Bay. Lots of photos across from Morthoe Farm camping across to Lundy. The wind must have been at least F8 - some impressive overfalls off the headland. Back via Meldon reservoir so a couple of photos from there.
Tags: Campervan
Maker and the Devonport Arms 2016-04-30 First trip in the new Fiat Ducato Tribute campervan. Camping at Maker Heights and down to the Devonport in Kingsand for a pint.
Tags: Campervan
Mount Edgcumbe May 2015 2016-05-01 From Maker Heights down to The Earls Drive and round to Cremyl. Then up to Mount Edgcumbe House for luch and the Stables and then back through the rain and the gloopy mist to the camper van at Maker Heights. Next to no visibility for the rest of the day. Glad to be in a campervan rather than a tent!
Tags: Campervan
Transat start at Plymouth 2016-05-02 From Cawsand to Penlee Point to watch the start of the single handed Transat yacht race. Breakfast at Kingsand and then sat in the drizzly rain at Penlee Point for a couple of hours but the gloop mostly cleared in time for the start of the race. As much fun watching the milling spectator boats as the competitors.
Tags: Campervan
Burnbake to Studland 2016-05-14 A walk from Burnbake campsite in the Purbecks almost to Studland beach. A Little Sea and a fast road got in the way of making it all the way there.
Tags: Campervan
Kingston to Corfe Castle 2016-05-15 A lovely circular walk from Kingston (in the Purbecks) to Corfe Castle and back again. Lots of very old childhood memories.
Tags: Campervan
Trebah Gardens - again! 2021-07-04 Liz looked at the plants - Scooby and I sat on the beach and read a book (well one of us did). A kind snorkellist retrieved Scooby's ball from the sea after he refused to go out of his depth.
Tags: Campervan
Dartmoor walk 2016-06-05 Because Scooby gave me such a nice welcome after being away for a week sailing (me - not Scooby), we took him for a walk on Dartmoor. Up high on the moor near the Warren House inn. A lovely short walk on Dartmoor.
Tags: Campervan
Treen coast path walk 2016-06-18 A coast path walk from Treen campsite (near Porthcurno which is near Lands End). The guide book said 4.5 miles but it ended up being 7.2 miles AND with lots of up and downie bits as well. Very nice though.
Tags: Campervan
Sennen and Gwynver 2016-06-19 A Scooby walk at Gwynver beach - just next to Sennen Cove (where he's banned for the summer). A beautiful beach and we were the only ones on it.
Tags: Campervan
Perranporth in the mist 2016-06-20 Back to Scooby's joint second favouritist beach in the west of England - Perranporth. We've been here a few times before with the hound - sometimes sunny - sometimes foggy - but this was the foggiest yet. Scooby ran from one end of the beack to the other as usual. Lots of small jelly fish on the low tide beach.
Tags: Campervan
Tregunwith Farm to Mylor Harbour 2016-07-09 From Tregunwith Farm campsite to Mylor Harbour and a little way beyond. Saw Pat T and Graham I just coming back from a Tideway outing.
Tags: Campervan
Beaches on the Roseland Peninsula 2016-07-10 Three beaches and four visits - Scooby was in heaven. Along the eastern coast of the Roseland peninsula for a change. Timed right for a falling tide so Scooby got maximum "ball action" on several beaches (including Porthcurnick and Portbean). Then back inland looking for the footpaths that had been moved.
Tags: Campervan
Tregunwith to Pandora Inn 2016-07-10 From Tregunwith Farm Campsite to the Pandora Inn on Restronguet Creek for dinner. Two pints of Rattler helped out on the walk back up the hill from the Pandora.
Tags: Campervan
Brunch at Mylor harbour 2021-07-03 After a couple of days getting up early to get the tides for kayaking, we had a lazy day with a late morning wander down to Mylor Harbour for a late breakfast / early lunch.
Tags: Campervan
Hadrians Wall Campsite 2016-09-04 A comspite near Hadrians Wall - the middle bit!
Tags: Campervan
Aidan's fall on Hadrian's Wall 2016-09-04 A march along some of the best bits of Hadrians Wall. Sheltered behind the wall from a sudden rain/hail shower and felt very "Roman Centurion" like. Didn't feel quite so Centurion like when I slipped coming down one steep part of the wall and bounced badly on my side buggering up my back for much of the holiday! Stunning walk though. Then on to Vindolanda.
Tags: Campervan
Seahouses to Bamburgh 2016-09-05 First walk along the Northumbrian coast. From just north of Seahouses along to just south of Bamburgh. The Northumberland beaches are just as stunning as expected. Scooby very impressed if this was to be the quality of the beaches for the next two weeks.
Tags: Campervan
Lindisfarne - Holy Island 2016-09-06 A walk around the island of Lindisfarne. The journey there was as expected with the road being a causeway accessible at low tide. Once there though, any thoughts of peaceful contemplation etc were blown away by the huge crowds. Skipping swiftly on past the priory and the castle (not least because we'd forgotten our NT cards), we yomped on to the north of the island which was much more pleasing. Scooby's second Northumberland beach well up to scratch apparently.
Tags: Campervan
Dunstanburgh Castle and Craster 2016-09-07 Another day, another Northumberland beach for Scooby. A great walk along to the evocative ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle and then the excellent beaches at Embleton Bay. Back via Craster where the famous smoked fish shop / restaurant was advertising an interesting take on Cullen Skink soup. Unfortunately, they were shut at the time...
Tags: Campervan
Dunbar and Belhaven 2016-09-08 Up to Scotland and to Dunbar. Found a good campsite and Belhaven Bay just to the west of Dunbar. The campsite backed on to Belhaven Bay - another excellent beach walk (not shown on the GPS track) for Scooby - his first Scottish one! Watched a group of Scots getting married on the "Bridge to Nowhere" at Belhaven Bay. Then an evening cliff top walk into Belhaven, past the harbour and then on to The Volunteer for a smoked haddock and mashed potato dinner.
Tags: Campervan
Berwick On Tweed 2016-09-08 A quick walk round Berwick on Tweed - the last English town before heading into Scotland. Probably didn't do it justice but saw some of the town walls that Elizabeth I spent so much on!
Tags: Campervan
Helford Paddling 2021-07-02 A change to normal by putting the kayak in the water on the south side of the Helford Estuary (at Helford itself). Explored Frenchman's Creek and then up[ almost as far at Bishop's Quay (but ran out of water at neaps). Lunch at Tremayne Quay. Scooby really not keen on enhancing his swimming skills.
Tags: Campervan
Warkworth 2016-09-09 Stayed at a lovely campsite just outside Warkworth - Walkmill Campsite - recommended. Walked into Warkworth and had a look at the outside of the castle - my do English Heritage know how to charge! Then tried a couple of the pubs in town. The GPS looks as though it went a little crazy while we were in The Sun in Walkworth - that's understandable as the decor is really something. Not sure how to describe it - maybe a mix between Camelot and your favourite local. Still - surprisingly - a big "thumbs up" from us due to its friendly staff and the (huge) size and quality of our dinner!
Tags: Campervan
Walkworth to Amble 2016-09-10 As Scooby had seen the signs to the beach when we were in Walkworth the previous day, we had to come back to try the beach out. Unfortunately, as we were heading on later in the day, it meant that we had to be on the beach before low tide. To be fair, Scooby didn't complain too much but the "tennis ball bounciness" was below par compared to the rest of the holiday. Walked as far as Amble looking for a breakfast egg & chips but reluctant to swim across the harbour just for a second breakfast.
Tags: Campervan
Alnwick 2016-09-10 A short walk around Alnwick, Again, we were too tight to pay the entrance fee for the castle. Mainly we wanted to see "Barter Books" - the second hand book shop in the old train station. An excellent, excellent shop. Long may they flourish after Starbucks, Next and all the others have fallen out of fashion and had a quick bankcruptcy. One can but hope - I could have spent hours in the place!
Tags: Campervan
Demense Farm In Bellingham 2016-09-10 Heading west, we were back just below Hardrians Wall at Demense Farm campsite in Bellingham. A campsite on another working farm, Lizzie may object to me mentioning that she complained about the cow mooing overnight.
Tags: Campervan
Kielder Observatory 2016-09-11 Into Kielder Forest and up from Kielder village to Kielder Observatory. Stunning view - but not of the observatory which unsurprisingly looked at little like a wooden box from the outside during the day time,
Tags: Campervan
Skyside Campsite 2016-09-11 No doggie walk here but an absolutely stunning setting for our anniversary dinner outside a pub in the Lake District. I thought the Lake District was about, er, lakes. This campsite was surrounded by crags and pikes and, let's be honest, mountains. A stunning setting. Now known as Skyfall to Lizzie and Aidan (rather than the slightly more prosaic Skyside).
Tags: Campervan
Conniston, Wray and Windemere 2016-09-12 Via Kirkstone Pass and Connistone Water and then on to Windemere. An NT campsite on the shores on Lake Windemere. A lovely campsite and a walk along Windemere and back past Wray Castle
Tags: Campervan
Fal Estuary Paddling 2021-07-01 From Mylor Harbour up past King Harry ferry with lunch on Roundwood Quay and Trelissick. Scooby much happier on the inflatable Sea Eagle kayak.
Tags: Campervan
Llanddwyn Bay and Island 2016-09-14 The stunning Lllanddwyn Bay on Anglesey at low tide. . A heatwave hit (for one day) and we went along Lllanddwyn Bay with the mountains on Snowdonia in the misty background. On this day, with the heatwave, it was as good as any beach either Liz or I had wandered along anywhere in the world. And it was on Anglesey! Skipping on past most of Ynys LLanddwyn island (dog ban until end of September) we wandered on a little to the next huge bay. Wow!
Tags: Campervan
Blackthorn Farm 2016-09-14 On to Blackthorn Farm campsite. A nice spot just outside Holyhead,
Tags: Campervan
Kennexstone Camping 2016-09-15 Down from Anglesey to the Gower Peninsula in south Wales. Kennexstone Camping was a lovely spot on the south west side of the Gower. The camp site and the Gower were so nice we slowed down a bit a stayed for three days,
Tags: Campervan
Rhossilli and Llangennith beach 2016-09-16 In a holiday of stunning beaches, this was probably the best. Or was that Llanddwyn Bay? I don't know but this was a sure fire entry into Scooby's all time top five set of beaches. Or probably even higher.
Tags: Campervan
Three Cliffs Bay 2016-09-17 The last of the beaches on Scooby's "Tour Of Britain's Best Beaches". After 1650 miles and 16 days and ten beaches, our final beach was was at Three Cliffs Bay on the Gower. Not quite all to ourselves and there were several thousand people doing a 14 mile walk for Macmillan Nursing.
Tags: Campervan
Last days of summer? 2016-10-02 A lovely summy summer's day - maybe one of the last of 2016? So we took Scooby on one of his favourite beach walks - from Exmouth to Sandy Bay. Got there a little late - just past low tide - so as we were unlikely to get back round Orcombe rocks without getting a bit wet on teh way back, we came back on the cliff top walk.
Tags: Campervan
Woolacoombe to Putsborough 2016-10-31 Camper van at North Morte farm for the last day of their season. Took the hound for a walk along Woolacombe beach at low tide.
Tags: Campervan
Bantham 2021-07-15 A camper van trip to Aunemouth Camping - very nice spot. We took the dog for a walk down to Batham Quay and a recce for where we were planning to put the kayak in the water the next day. Unfortunately, there'd been a landslide at Bantham Quay and the temporary scaffolding walkway wouldn't be passable with the kayak. So it would be launching from Bantham back beach. Lucky we'd found how to disassemble and pack the kayak trolley wheels. Bantham back beach very dog friendly.
Tags: Campervan
Treloan, Portscatho and Gerrans 2017-03-18 First time away in the camper van in 2017. Staying at Treloan campsite on the Roseland peninsula. A short walk along the coastpath to Portscatho and then back inland via Gerrans.
St Mawes to St Just In Roseland 2017-03-19 A circular walk round part of the Roseland Peninsula in Cornwall. From St Mawes up along the estuary to the old churchyard at St Just In Roseland. Then back inland to St Mawes. Stopped at Pineapple bay - at least that's what the sign there called it!
Boscastle and Valency Valley 2017-03-20 It was meant to be a short walk out of Boscastle and up the Valency Valley. A slight navigational inexactitude meant that we ended up coming back down the rather steep Valency Valley on the opposite side to where the car was parked! So we trugged along the valley floor until we came to some stepping stones across the river. However, it had been raining quite hard so they were partially under fast flowing water - only Scooby was up for the crossing there. So we ended up climbing back up the rather steep valley and then all the way back to the end of the Valency Valley. Doh! So - yes - the GPS track does show us going round twice.
Tintagel and Trebarwith 2017-03-21 From Tintagel, a mixed field and cliff top walk to Trebarwith cove. Back via Tintagel Castle - without paying the £8 English Heritage wanted! Not quite as muddy as the previous day at Boscastle. At lot of probably mis-remembered memories of the last time I was at Tintagel - just over 30 years ago in my old Dodge ambulance with a group of friends. Was even rainier back then.
Tags: Campervan
Camper van service drop off 2021-04-12 Dropping off the campervan for its annual service and MOT. All went wrong when we couldn't take the bloody StopLock off the van.
Tags: Campervan
Birthday dinner at the Devonport 2017-04-08 Liz and the hound took me to the Devonport for a birthday dinner. Down the cliff path from the campsite at Maker Heights to Cawsand.
Tags: Campervan
Maker to Rame Head 2017-04-09 The usual walk from Cawsand to Rame Head - only slightly longer as we had the campervan up on Maker Heights. A gloriously hot sunny day at the start of April.
Tags: Campervan
Croyde and Saunton Sands 2017-05-06 From Croyde Bay towards Saunton and then down onto Saunton Sands to give the hound a low tide run about. Think Saunton Sands is might make it into Scooby's all time top three beaches! Some photos from Woolacombe Beach (on the next day) may have snuck in somehow.
Tags: Campervan
Start Point 2017-06-25 A short walk to Start Point. Makes a change to walk round it rather than sail round it. There was no "inshore passage" while we were there. A camper van trip to Slapton for the night.
Tags: Campervan
Loe Beach to Flushing 2017-07-08 A paddle along the Fal estuary. Down from Loe beach round the Flushing. Almost ideal weather - light winds and tide with us on the way back.
Tags: Campervan
Helford Passage to Padagarrack Cove 2017-07-09 With Winguru and the Met Office differing in forecast speed by about two and a half times, we wanted to avoid the possibility of too much incoming tide against the westerly wind. So we had a short paddle from Helford passage down to Padagarrack Cove and then up past Port Navas.
Tags: Campervan
Maker Heights to Rame Head 2017-08-12 In the camper van at Maker Heights again. As usual a walk to Rame Head and back again with a stop off at Kingsand Beach for Scooby to do some swimming. Liz and I got married at Polhawn Fort (the other side of the peninsula from Cawsand). There musty have been another wedding that day as someone had hired a pilot to "paint" hearts in the sky. Ah - sweet!
Tags: Campervan
Praa Sands to Trewavas Mine 2020-09-16 Along the south west coast past from Praa Sands to a little way beyond Trewavas Mine. Spot the photos of the camel's head and the alligator head!
Tags: Campervan
Maker and Cawsand 2017-08-11 In the camper van at Maker again. Walked down to Cawsand to give the dog a swim and for a pint in the Rising Sun. The weather that evening was really gloopy for mid August!
Tags: campervan
Buck's Mills 2017-10-28 A walk along the north Devon coast path. A sod of a hill up out of the Buck's Mill valley and then along the cliff tops through old woodland to Peppercombe.
Tags: Campervan
Morte Point 2017-10-29 From Lee Bay along the coast path to Bull Point lighthouse and then on around Morte Point. Some big up and downie bits along the way and some scary (for me) cliff top paths! Camera was happy with the sunlight though.
Tags: Campervan
Woolacombe 2017-10-30 We couldn't go to north Devon without giving Scooby a walk along Woolacombe beach. It was near high tide but neaps so there was still plenty of beach for Scooby to chase his ball from one end to the other and back again.
Tags: Campervan
Uplyme to Lyme Regis 2018-04-14 From Hook Farm Camping to the end of The Cobb in Lyme Regis. First outing for the camper van in 2018
Tags: Campervan
Portland Bill 2018-04-15 A look round Portland Bill - given that I might just be sailing round it next weekend. We got there after the "slack water" time when its best to sail sound The Bill. It was only about a F3-F4 but at the northern end of our walk there was really no way through for small boats. The waves were starting to break from about 150 yards out and beyond that there were some rather unpleasant looking overfalls (a strong southerly current at that time). No real room to get through between the two. The inshore passage off the very end of The Bill didn't look bad at that time.
Tags: Campervan
Eype, West Bay and Bridport 2018-04-16 From Eype over high (Jurassic) cliffs to West Bay. About a F4 but southerly so entering West Bay harbour by boat would have been problematic - and a bit bouncy one inside on the outer pontoons. Then up by the Birt River to Bridport. Not sure why the usually excellent South West Coastpath web site ( recommended going into Bridport - just some muddy fields and a housing estate!
Tags: Campervan
Praa Sands to Cudden Point 2020-09-15 Along the south west coast path from Praa Sands to Cudden Point. Past Prussia Cove and on to Cudden Point for great views across Mounts Bay and Saint Michael's Mount. See the photos for the pussy cat carrying hippie - it's not me, I've got a got a dog to keep happy.
Tags: Campervan
The Levellers and Maker Height 2018-06-24 A weekend in Cornwall meeting up with Richard T to see the Levellers. Friday night at the Fishermans Arms in Gollant. Saturday at the Eden Project for A Beautiful Day Out with Ginger Wildheart, Dreadzone, Reef, New Model Army and the Levellers. The Levellers were just about as good as I've ever seen them - everyone was dancing! Then Sunday night up on Maker Heights at Rame. Slight disappointment that the usual camping field was closed - meaning the views of Plymouth Sound weren't quite so good. After a couple of pints in the Devonport Arms in Cawsand and drinking wine until it got dark (about 10:00pm), things got messy!
Tags: Campervan
Mylor to Malpas 2018-07-07 On one of the stunning summer days in 2018 we put the canoe in at Mylor and paddled up towards Truro - getting just a little way past Malpas. Just about everything was great - the tides were as planned, the sun was hot and there was a cooling sea breeze (OK - that had to be paddled back in to on the way back!).
Tags: Campervan
Helford Passage to Gweek 2018-07-08 On yet another stunning 2018 summer's day, we put the canoe in just past the Helford Passage and paddled up to Geewk at the top of the Helford. Then a dawdle back stopping at an old lime quay. Highlight of the day for Liz was teaching Scooby to enjoy swimming! We think that his buoyancy aid may have helped. At Penwarne Farm Campsite - lovely views in a field overlooking the sea between Falmouth and the Helford.
Tags: Campervan
Dinner at the Pandorra 2018-07-06 Walking the hound from Tregunwith to the Pandorra Inn. At Tregunwith Farm with the camper van - great location, friendly owners, relaxed atmosphere and great prices. Don't tell anyone else!
Tags: Campervan
Prawle Point and The Pigs Nose Pub 2018-09-01 Down to Prawle Point - the most southerly point in Devon and a headland well known to sailors! Pint at the Pigs Nose pub.
Tags: Campervan
Polkerris Beach 2018-09-02 Stayed at Penhale camp site near Fowey. A short walk to Polkerris Beach where we knew that dogs were banned but didn't know that the ice cream shop would shut up shop at half four - outrageous!
Tags: Campervan
Fowey to Megavissey 2018-09-03 A walk down into Fowey and then a ferry from Fowey to Megavissey. On the trip into Fowey the ferry had spotted a large whale and porpoises but no such luck on our trip. From Megavissey, we walked round to Portmellon. The 26 miles wasn't all dog walking - it includes the return ferry distance!
Tags: Campervan
Praa Sands 2020-09-14 Late summer camper van trip to Praa Sands. Started with a visit to Praa Sands itself for Scooby Hound. Hiher Pentreath Campsite was fine - looked a little unloved to start with but clean and well placed.
Tags: Campervan
Helford River 2018-09-06 A short walk down to one of our favourite canoeing spots on the Helford - without a canoe this time. This is where Scooby previously learnt to swim just for the fun of it so Liz was keen to take him back for another paddle.
Tags: Campervan
Gwenapp Head 2018-09-08 Another new take on a favourite walk. From Treen, via St Levans, Porthgwarra and on to Gwenapp Head (just along from Lands End and happily not touched by the awful tat at Lands End). We could see the rain showers getting blown in from the Atlantic - but as they were mostly horizontal it was possible to keep mostly dry by sheltering behind lumps of granite.
Tags: Campervan
Pendeen and Portheras Cove 2018-09-09 A new walk to Pendeen Lighthouse and the stunning Porteras Cove which we'd not been to before. Took a wrong turn down to the "Boat Cove" and then took a little while to figure out how to actually get to Portheras Cove (it's via a path high above the cove and then down to the beach on the eastern end).
Tags: Campervan
Godrevy and Hells Mouth Cafe 2018-09-10 Met up with Ruth and Derek H for a revisit of the walk past Godrevy Lighthouse and on to Hells Mouth Cafe. Lots of seals in the cover just past Godrevy Lighthouse - they are the blurry black blob things in the photos.
Tags: Campervan
St Agnes and Wheal Coates 2018-09-11 On to Beacon Farm Cottage camp site and the only day of the two weeks that was really lost to the weather. As soon as we got to the campsite and sat down to admire the view, the fog and mizzle came in with a vengeance. So we only did a short walk to the Wheal Cotes mine - very atmospheric perched on the cliff side and appearing out the gloom. The photos of fog and mist may not be the most exciting if you weren't there...
Tags: Campervan
Perranporth 2018-09-12 No trip to the south west would be complete for Scooby hound without a trip to Perranporth and Woolcombe beaches. So we "did" Perranporth on the Wednesday...
Tags: Campervan
Rock, Padstow and Stepper Point 2018-09-13 Staying at the rather nice (but rather expensive) campsite directly overlooking Polzeath beach, we drove down to Rock and caught the ferry over to Padstow. Padstow was heaving with tourists as expected (even on a Thursday in the middle of September). We then walked on past the famous Doom Bar and on to Stepper Point (on the west side of the entrance to the Camel Estuary). Then back along the sands of the Doom bar at low water to give Scooby hound a run.
Tags: Campervan
Back to Woolacombe 2020-09-09 A few days in the campervan at North Morte Farm so we had to take Scooby Hound to Woolacombe at low tide.
Tags: Campervan
Woolacombe Beach 2018-09-16 Last day of our holiday and a quick walk along Woolacombe Beach - Scooby hound would not have been pleased if we'd left without giving him a run along the beach. Met Cathy and Mark S at Putsborough - we were sitting having an ice cream and they were just finishing their first surfing session of the day.
Tags: Campervan
Rame Head - again! 2018-12-02 The "Tribby" (our camper van) hadn't been moved for a couple of months so we too it on a road trip down to Cornwall. Liz's favourite walk - from Cawsand to Rame Head and back again.
Tags: Campervan
Trevose Head 2019-04-23 Four beaches in one walk - Scooby in doggie heaven. In the campervan at the very nice Trehias Farm Camping - near Trevose Head (just west of Padstow). Walk via Treyarnon Bay, Constantine Bay, Long Cove and Harlyn Beach - all dog friendly beaches.
Tags: Campervan
Rock 2019-04-24 Back to Rock (opposite Padstow) for a slightly soggy walk along to the mouth of the Camel Estuary. Visited St Endoc Church - the last resting place of John Betjeman - and considered his lifetime's regret! Expensive lunch in the cafe above Rock Beach lifeboat station!
Tags: Campervan
Back to Morthoe 2019-04-25 Back to Lizzie's favourite campervan site - North Morte Farm at Morthoe. A rather wet and windy day (it got windier!) so we did a pub crawl of all of Morthoe's pubs (the Chichester Arms and the Ship Aground) and then took some rather good fish and chips to the bench below Morthoe Cemetary for a stunning view over Woolacombe Bay.
Tags: Campervan
Woolacombe Beach 2019-04-26 Back to Marine Drive above Woolacombe Beach waiting for a break in the weather to take Scooby for a walk along the length of Woolacombe Beach - his absolute top favourite beach! Ice cream at Pustborough Cafe as usual. Spent the night in teh campervan half way up the hill from the sea at North Morte - so facing directly into Storm Helena from the north west. A very noisy night indeed.
Tags: Campervan
Brean Down 2019-04-27 First time at Brean. The effect of the previous night's height of Storm Helena were plainly visible. A short walk to the end of Brean Down - up a series of very steep steps to get on to the top of the Down. The storm hadn't completely passed - making walking to the end of the Down really quite hard work.
Tags: Campervan
Scooby's last summer holiday walk 2019-09-23 Your activity description here
Tags: Campervan
Bolberry Down and Soar Mill Sove 2019-09-07 First day of hols! Whiteley's off to new camp-site near Salcombe - remember for family happiness mobile signal not great for route finding! New camp-site with very friendly owners.Walked to Saw Mill Cove lots of dog swimming & ball throwing. Views of Rame Head (Liz's favourite headland!), Burgh Island & the Eddystone. Expensive pints at newly furbished bar on way back.
Tags: Campervan
Salcombe, Soar and Bolberry 2019-09-08 Walk across fields to Salcombe via aerodrome (with plane landing) Overbecks, steep hills, South sands, North Sands (where Scooby was allowed to swim & do ball chasing). Lunch in Salcombe with rip off fish & chips (definitely paid for the view). Ferry ride back to South Sands (1st ferry trip of many) & ice cream. Long walk back to van -frieindly natives helping with getting past field of cows - mum, calves & some with horns...described as docile. Everyone quite tired!
Tags: Campervan
Maker and Cawsand 2019-09-09 Wet start to day - headed off to try & find camp-site @ Bovisand for a different view of the Plymouth Break water, got hoplessly lost so detoured to Maker. Camping back in our favourite field. Walk into Kingsand & Cawsand. Scooby nearly lost his ball but was very brave & eventually retrieved it. Pint in the old Cawsand Bay Hotel area - now called "The Bar." Watched Rame Gig go out & some unusual fishing boats moored in the bay.
Tags: Campervan
Fowey and Bodinnick 2019-09-10 Headed off to Fowey. First camp-site full up so deviated to Boddinick. Camp-site bit like Sea Houses but very welcoming owners. Walk down hill to ferry, through Fowey heaving with tourists. Walked to Gibben Head. Refreshments of ice cream (DIY effort by hirer of the cottage (Dapher's connection) near the lake.) Watched a very tippy yacht (Macgregor with BIG engine on back). Pints in the Ferry Inn - great view of Fowey in the evening sunshine.
Tags: Campervan
Portscatho and the Hidden Hut 2019-09-11 20th Wedding Anniversary! Decided to go to The Roseland - Treloan campsite at Portscatho. Walked in the drizzle to beach, Scooby ball chasing & swimming. Lunch at The Hut - tomato soup. Evening spent in the Plume of Feathers pub for anniversary tea - mackerel burgers (delicious) - also very well -behaved Scooby! Walk back along coast path in the dark!
Tags: Campervan
Treen and Penberth Cove 2019-09-12 Walked to Penberth Cove - a Poldark favourite. Past Logan Rock and up through the woods to The Logan Rock pub for a pint. Chicken in residence at the pub.
Tags: Campervan
West Parley visit 2021-10-22 Camper vanning in West Parley for a meet up with old school friends. Went for a walk down Church Lane past the Multiple Sclerosis day centre and then on to the River Stour. Lots of Whiteley family memories / connections.
Tags: Campervan
Bantham and Thurlestone 2021-07-17 A dog walk on a very, very hot day. Even though we took lots of water for the dog (and some for us). Dog (and wife) went in teh sea twice at different beaches to cool down. Scooby less than impressed when Liz splashed water over him to give him some extra cooling,
Tags: Campervan
Lamorna Cove to Mousehole 2019-09-15 Along from Lamorna Cover on the coast path to the tourist trap that is Mousehole. Extortionate wraps in a cafe. Home across the fields and the ice cream at the cafe in Lamorna.
Tags: Campervan
Godrevy and Trehidy 2019-09-16 Walk along the coast path to Hell's Mouth Cafe. Seafood chowder was excellent again (and the cheesy chips weren't really necessary). Then inland via Trehidy Park (which Liz liked) and then back along a now very misty coast path.
Tags: Campervan
St Agnes and Trevaunce 2019-09-17 From Beacone Cottage Fram along the coast path to chat to a very friendly chappie in the St Agnes Head NCI lookot. Then on lunch in a cafe overlooking the beach at Trevaunce and then, of course, some Scooby "ball action" on the beach. Back via Sta Agnes and The Beacon.
Tags: Campervan
Perranporth 2019-09-18 Dog on beach at Perranporth. Dog happy. Dog swallowed so much sea water he puked in the camper van that night. Which was nice.
Tags: Campervan
Constantine Bay 2019-09-19 James Corden was teaching his dog to do "back flips" on the beach (see photos). Walked to Porthcothan and then on to Constantine Bay for ice creams and a bit of Scooby ball chasing. Doubled the length of the walk just to get some wine from the local shops!
Tags: Campervan
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