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ActivityActivity dateActivity description
Lamorna Cove and Tater-du Light 2017-09-15 The coast path from Lamorna Cove was marked as a bit "iffy" so we made our own route inland and then joining back with the main coastal path. Past the gloriously named Tater-du lighthouse. Unfortunately, the path we'd spotted on the map to come back via had a big PRIVATE sign on it so we ended up doing an "out and back" walk.
Lamorna Cove to Mousehole 2019-09-15 Along from Lamorna Cover on the coast path to the tourist trap that is Mousehole. Extortionate wraps in a cafe. Home across the fields and the ice cream at the cafe in Lamorna.
Studland to Portland Harbour 2019-05-24

From Studland past St Albans Head to Portland Harbour with a stop at Lulworth Cove.

We weighed anchor early at the Studland anchorage to be able to get past the Lulworth Gunnery Range before the army started firing at 09:30. This meant an inshore passage past the St Albans Head. While not in the same league as Portland Bill, St Aldhams Ledge does have a bit of a "reputation" and the inshore passage doesn't always exist (see here and here for a couple of fun Youtube videos of yachts rounding St Albans Head). In our case we were crossing about mid tide with maybe a F4 against the tide so we could have expected some lumpiness. In fact, it was a pussycat - no idea why! Then on to the circular inlet in the cliffs that is Lulworth Cove. When we dropped anchor there we were the only yacht there - the benefits of early season cruising! Then on to Portland Marina. Built for the 2012 Olympics the place is huge.

Anstey's Cove - Shake Down Sail 2024-04-11 A lovely sail on Derek H's Fulmar. First one of the season. Wind was mostly dead on the nose or dead aft - mostly a F3 to F4 but with occasional big variations.
Padstow 2023-09-13 A short walk from Dennis Cove Campsite into Padstow.
Perranuthnoe and Prussia Cove 2022-09-09 A new take on an older walk. This time starting from Perranuthnoe (near Marazion), going inland and then back along the coast path via Prussia Cove and Cudden Point. Got a little "Deliverance" at the Common near Kenneggy.
Brixham to the Exe 2022-07-31 Back from Brixham after the Drew trophy race. From Brixham to Ansteys Cove where we anchored for lunch. Then a lovely sail back to the Exe with the wind picking up a little bit as we closed on the Exe. Marvellous!
Treen Car Park 2021-09-17 Because Treen Campsite was full with a VW Camper rally (with Seth Lakeman playing), we parked up in the rather splendid Treen village car park (£10 a night - the photo of the cruise ship taken from the car park).
Bolberry and Hope Cove 2021-09-10 A walk down from Bolberry Farm Camping to Hope Cove for a pint. Fxxx me - £10 for two pints! Are we in London? Wow. Nice walk and campsite though.
Tags: Hope Cove
Praa Sands to Cudden Point 2020-09-15 Along the south west coast path from Praa Sands to Cudden Point. Past Prussia Cove and on to Cudden Point for great views across Mounts Bay and Saint Michael's Mount. See the photos for the pussy cat carrying hippie - it's not me, I've got a got a dog to keep happy.
Lands End, Sennen and Gwynver Beach 2019-09-14 Had another free day's parking on the extornionate £6 Lands End parking fee. Walked to Sennen and saw lots of yachts doing the "inshore passage" round Lands' End. On to Gwynver beach (because Scooby asked). Ice creams at Sennen and then back to Treen and G&Ts on the cliff top as the sun went down (and the nudists disappeared).
Treen and Penberth Cove 2019-09-12 Walked to Penberth Cove - a Poldark favourite. Past Logan Rock and up through the woods to The Logan Rock pub for a pint. Chicken in residence at the pub.
Bolberry Down and Soar Mill Sove 2019-09-07 First day of hols! Whiteley's off to new camp-site near Salcombe - remember for family happiness mobile signal not great for route finding! New camp-site with very friendly owners.Walked to Saw Mill Cove lots of dog swimming & ball throwing. Views of Rame Head (Liz's favourite headland!), Burgh Island & the Eddystone. Expensive pints at newly furbished bar on way back.
Ansteys cove 2012-09-29 A really great sail from SYC to Ansteys Cove in Dereks Sadler 26. The wind was ideal gently rising and dropping between about 12 knots and 20 knots. Even the sun shone - some of the time.
Pendeen and Portheras Cove 2018-09-09 A new walk to Pendeen Lighthouse and the stunning Porteras Cove which we'd not been to before. Took a wrong turn down to the "Boat Cove" and then took a little while to figure out how to actually get to Portheras Cove (it's via a path high above the cove and then down to the beach on the eastern end).
Logan Rock and Penberth Cove 2018-09-07 On to one of our favourite campsites - Treen (just near the Minack Theatre and Lands End). Photos are from the "nature ramble" that Liz went on - organised by the Treen pirate. Photos of Scooby at Penberth Cove are by Liz as the nature ramble also went that way.
Helford Passage to Padagarrack Cove 2017-07-09 With Winguru and the Met Office differing in forecast speed by about two and a half times, we wanted to avoid the possibility of too much incoming tide against the westerly wind. So we had a short paddle from Helford passage down to Padagarrack Cove and then up past Port Navas.
The Ness and Smugglers Cove 2016-08-07 To Shaldon and through the tunnel to Ness Cove and over the rock to Sumuggler Cove. Then back round the Ness at low water Springs and into Shaldon looking for ice cream. Liz had to rescue Scooby's ball again - the dog is a wuss!
Brixham to SYC 2016-07-24 Back from Brixham Marina to SYC via lunch at anchor in Anstey's Cove. Playing with the cruising chute on the on the sail across Torbay.
The Lizard and Kynance Cove 2015-09-14 Thought it it be nice to see the most southerly point in Engalnd in a force eight gale. Walking along a cliff top into a 40 knot wind with a less than bright hound on the lead turned out to be hard work! Glad it was a short walk.
Windy Hope Cove 2015-04-18 Windy. Very windy. A very windy walk from Hope Cove to Bolt Tail and round the coast a bit. Hard work - uphill, in a force 8 with a dog pulling like a bastard to eat every sheep in the field and also eat all the sheep sh1t. Good views though and the halloumi, spicy salad and cheesy chips and the Hope and Anchor in Hope Cove was excellent.
Tags: Hope Cove
Brixham to Exe 2014-07-27 A cracking sail back from Brixham to the Exe. From Brixham, we went to Anstey's Cove for lunch as did many other SYC boats. After lunch there was a cracking sail back across the bay to the Exe - winds ranging from 10 knots to about 18 knots Excellent sailing.
Babbacombe and Anstey Cove 2013-02-16 The second part of Scoobys walk
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