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Up and down the Exe Estuary 2012-04-01 Down towards Starcross a couple of times and up to the Turf on a gloriously sunny April afternoon. Lovely F3 to F4 wind. An average speed of 4.5 knots in a 30 year old Wayfarer is none too shoddy
Sail with Liz and Julian 2012-04-14 No wind but some thunderstorms. Not the ideal sail on the estuary for Lizs brother.
Up river cruise to Goat Walk 2012-05-19 An up river dinghy cruise from SYC to the Goat Walk. Light winds on the way back. About 15 boats out.
Pole Sands Paddling 2020-08-31 An ideal days paddling. Wind and tide with us on the way out and on the way back! Liz fell in when getting out of the kayak on the Pole Sands. Much screaming from Liz and Scooby when we came back round the outside of the Pole Sands.
Work cycle ride 2017-08-04 Into work and back
Exeter and back 2017-03-10 Into Exeter and back. Average speed not too bad given that there was quite a strong headwind on the way back.
Exeter and back 2017-04-16 Into Exeter and back. A fair old head wind on the way out but speedy on the way back. Not a bad average for me given that I'm still not fully over the lurgie I've had for the last couple of weeks.
Wayfarer sailing 2024-04-27 A free sailing event at SYC. About F3 to F4 but quite cold and overcast. Turned the Wayfarer over to check its buoyancy and to have a look at the centreboard (which seems to still be in quite good condition).
A sunny Monday evening sail 2012-07-23 A great Monday evening sail. The tail end of a F3 sea breeze and a strong incoming Spring tide. The average speed over the ground may not win any prizes but a cracking sail down past the floating cafe and through the moorings
A very gusty sail 2012-07-29 A very short sail as Liz wasnt too keen on the gusty conditions. It was windy as the top speed of 8.2 knots was actually against the tide. It felt fast for an old Wayfarer with a lot of the front of the boat out of the water as we planed down wind.
Monday evening sail 2012-07-30 A Monday evening sail to the Goat Walk - quite gusty.
Exe Estuary and the Clyst 2020-09-12 No wind so we decided on a paddle. We wanted to go up the Clyst but high water at neaps doesn't give enough water for even our canoe to make much progress.
Tags: Exe
Into Exeter and back 2017-08-05 Too windy for sailing so we went cycling. Quite a big bit windy said Liz after her first time on the bike for quite a while.
Lympstone and back 2017-03-12 Round to Lympstone with Liz. Watched the channel to Lympstone being deepened. The port hand channel mark at the Turf shouldn't be relied upon by mariners - given that it sits on a mud back - see the photos. Windy from the north.
Exeter and back 2017-12-26 Easy ride on teh way out. Wet and windy on the way back. Stopped at SYC on the way back to fix the webcam and weather PC. Weather station recording 20 knots of wind right on the nose for the remaining part of the journey home.
Weymouth to Topsham 2016-11-14 From Weymouth round Portland Bill to Topsham at the top of the Exe. Stage three in bringing Derek H's new Fulmar back to the Exe. With very big Spring tides, we took the offshore route around the East Shambles buoy and a few miles off Portland Bill. With the wind pretty much on the nose after we turned west, we motored most of the way back from Portland Bill. With the wind varying between 12 and 20 knots against us and 1 or 2 knots of tide with us, the first half of the journey back to the Exe (after Portland Bill) was a little bouncy at times. We reached the Exe just as it got dark - the trip back up the Exe in the dark and with big tides was interesting! With the Exe's mix of lit and unlit buoys and moorings encroaching on the channel, I really wouldn't recommend going up the Exe at night without local knowledge!
Tags: Exe
More rowing than sailing 2012-10-20 The last SYC dinghy cruise of the year. Varied between next to no wind and no wind at all. Rowed about two thirds of the way. Lovely morning to be on the estuary though.
Safety boat at SYC 2013-02-17 Too windy for us to go out sailing as we havent been out for a couple of months. So ended up doing safety boat. Good fun - a little bouncy. Suspect the occasional max speed peaks are GPS data anomalies.
March safety boat 2013-03-24 Safety boat at SYC. A cold march day - two degrees centrigrade. The windchill factor made it feel like minus four. GPS data anomalies account for the three or four short peaks in speed.
SYC Dinghy Cruise 2019-08-03 SYC dinghy cruise down to the beach cafe. Slightly stronger winds than forecast - about F4 much of the time - and a big 4.4 metre tide resulted in a top speed of 9.4 knots. Not bad for a 40 year old Wayfarer but we still haven't broken the 10 knots barrier yet! Unfortunately the battery in the GPS ran out half way back.
Exe paddling 2023-03-27 Down to the wreck of the South Coaster. First paddle after fitting new rudder to kayak. Worked just as well as hoped for - the weathercocking is vastly diminished - especially for wind on the aft quarter which used to make the kayak tiring to keep steady. Pleased because it was quite windy.
Tags: Exe
Lympstone and back 2017-10-15 Round to Lympstone and back again. Choccie bar near Lympstone Sailing Club, said 'hello' to Graham A at Topsham Sailing Club (who was putting Celtic Breeze to bed for the winter) and then round to Starcross Sailing Club for a coffee and a look at the Topper Open Meeting. A bit slow as Liz had some aches and pains and the wind was starting to get up.
Exe to Stoke Gabriel 2023-09-22 On David K's trimaran Triskelle. From SYC on the Exe up to Stoke Gabriel up the Dart. Interesting nosing up the Dart past Dittisham at low water. The sail down was fun - F4 gusting F6 as forecast with maybe only one squall being a bit higher than that.
Tags: Exe
Another 26 miles 2016-11-06 Round to Lympstone and back again. Another windy ride. Stopped at SYC for the AGM.
Super summer sail 2013-05-18 A lovely sail up to the Goat Walk at Topsham. We had planned to go as far as the motorway bridge but the wind didnt have the west in it that the forecast said it would. Met Malcolm and Graham at the Goat Walk. The max speed of 6.9 knots isnt bad given that there was no tide to speak of.
First beach cafe sail of the year 2013-05-25 From SYC down to the beach cafe and back. The forecast said next to no wind but a lovely sea breeze kicked in. Top sail.
Walking the hound to the Turf 2013-05-26 A hound walk to to the Turf Pub with Scooby Lizzie and Julian
Brixham to the Exe 2019-07-21 Back from Brixham after the Drew Trophy. Another day of ideal winds and we decided to scoot back to the Exe to get in on the falling tide. Some lovely downwind sailing with the cruising chute up much of the way after the Ore Stone. As it was heading towards Springs, there was the usual Exe estuary tides against us on the way in. Back on the mooring with time to spare - time used figuring out how to release the tender from the mooring chain - after it had managed to solidly wrap itself around the chain.
Tags: Exe
Lympstone and back 2017-07-23 Round to Lympstone and back with Liz. Liz's first time back on a bike for about a month.
Exe paddling 2023-07-25 Up to Topsham Sailing Club and back via Hannaford's Quay. Out into a weak breeze and then back into a strong breeze!
Exeter and back 2016-12-18 Foggy ride into Exeter and back
Exeter and back 2018-01-28 First time on the bike after the gears were mended. All good.
Scooby's first canoe trip of 2013 2013-07-07 Up river to the new wreck just north of Starcross and then back down to the Bull Sands where Scoobie ran non stop (when he wasnt digging). Luckily we were too early for the Olly Murs sound check!
Canoe trip from SYC to Turf Pub 2013-07-08 A canoe trip from SYC to the Turf Pub on the Exe Estuary. Set out near low tide. Journey follows the just greater than paddle depth contour on the way out and later, with the higher tide, on the way back.
Sunny summers evening sail 2013-07-10 A lovely summer evenings sail. Just enough wind to go down estuary against the incoming tide.
Drew Trophy - SYC to Brixham 2019-07-20 The Drew Trophy from the Exe Safe Water mark to the breakwater entrance at Brixham Harbour. A marvelous sail albeit the wind didn't veer as promised later on meaning that we had to put in one short tack in to make the finish line. Still - 2 hours 24 minutes from the Exe SWM to Brixham breakwater is none too shabby! Everybody (well - all 3 boats that took part) claimed they didn't want to win it as they'd then have to store the humongous trophy in the loft for a year. So a result of first across the line and second on handicap could be claimed to be ideal! But I'm sure Julian P on Kinfolk will find the loft space somehow. Either way, with all three boats finishing within about 5 minutes, it was a very pleasant way to spend the day. Then dinner at SYC with sailors from Topsham Sailing Club.
Tags: Exe SWM
Exeter and back 2017-07-16 It was going to be a longer ride round to Lympstone but it started raining and the wind got up. Still - first time ever with an average speed of over 15 mph! Would have been faster except for having to slow down so often for huge numbers of kids and walkers. They are also digging up the cycle path at Exe Bridges which meant walking round various diversions and not getting the full 20 miles in.
Exeter and back 2017-02-21 Another "fast for me" ride into Exeter and back. Fast - as in more than 14mph average. There was a sod of a headwind on the way out so made up time on the way back (although I could swear that the wind changed direction just as a I started back from Exeter).
Exeter and back 2016-12-17 First ride in a fortnight - work and the weather put paid to the previous weekend.
Exe SWM dinghy sail 2023-08-30 A lovely sail with Malcolm B in the Wayfarer. Out to the Exe Safe Water Mark and a little way beyond. Lunch on the beach and an ice cream at the Beach Cafe. The wind was mostly F3/F4 with occasional gusts to F5. A lovely sail. And then used the new electric winch at SYC to retrieve the Wayfarer.
Brixham to the Exe 2013-07-28 A windy sail back from Brixham to the Exe after the Drew Trophy. Winds didnt quite reach the forecast 24 knots but were mostly between 10 and 20 knots. Lovely sail back under full head sail only.
Tags: Exe
Bike ride to Exmouth and back 2013-08-11 Bike ride round the Exe Estuary from Cockwood to Exmouth and back.
The not-Topsham sail 2013-08-18 Thought the westerly wind would be ideal for a sail up to Topsham. However, it turned out to be too gusty and with large wind shifts to make that a good idea.
Countess Wear paddle 2021-04-20 From SYC up to the Countess Wear bridge on the Exe. A sea breeze filled in more than expected for mid April and the tides were only neaps so a fair old workout on the way back.
Tags: Exe
Thalmia to her winter quarters 2022-10-12 Up to Trouts at Topsham ready for Thalmia to be craned out tomorrow. Watched Roy S nervously watching his Sadler 26 being lifted out.
Tags: Exe
Lympstone and back 2017-02-19 Round to Lympstone and back with Liz
Exmouth and back 2016-12-28 A slightly longer cycle ride than usual. Average speed would probably have been a fair bit better if it wasn't for a strong wind right on the nose for the last 6 miles.
Lympstone and back 2017-08-27 Round to Lympstone and back with Liz. Lovely hot summer's day.
Basic bike ride 2014-01-27 Along the estuary to the A379 and back
Lizzie bike ride 2014-03-07 First time back on the bike after a couple of very wet months. To the Swing Bridges and back again.
Swing bridge and back again 2014-03-08 A lovely cycle ride to the Swing Bridges. Bit of a sod on the way back straight into the southerly force 5 all the way. Aidans first time back on the bike for a couple of months.
Exe to Weymouth 2019-05-15

A sail from Starcross Yacht Club on the Exe via the inshore passage at Portland Bill and on to Weymouth.

Because Portland Bill sticks out into the English Channel and has a shallow underwater ledge that "squeezes" the currents, it has a somewhat fearsome reputation (see here for a Youtube video of when it was "angry" at the end of a storm). Therefore, we needed to be off the end of the Bill at the right time for mostly slack water and a "lift" up the eastern edge. That meant setting off at the hideously early time of 04:30 to allow some contingency for being off the end of the Bill at 14:00. Given that we had to sail and motor (against the easterly wind) over 35 nautical miles, we were pleased to be off the Bill at about 14:15.

Going round the Bill was happily uneventful but the large number of appallingly marked lobster pot buoys still means that great care is needed. The photos show us rounding the end of the Bill with the front obelisk aligned in the nearly in the middle of the red band of the lighthouse (as recommended). On the eastern side of the Bill, the 5 metre depth contour is typically a good guide to avoiding the race / overfalls.

Tags: Exe
Short Wayfarer sail 2023-05-07 Not much wind so just a short Wayfarer sail up the estuary a little way. Docking arms now fitted to new launching trolley.
Newport Trophy race 2023-06-17 An SYC yacht "race" in Derek H's rather splendid Westerly Fulmar from the Exe to Dartmouth. Very gentle winds. So gentle, in fact, that the race finish line was moved back to Hope's Nose. We gave up sailing about 3 miles short of Dartmouth and then motored up to Dittisham for an evening meal in the Red Lion.
Tags: Exe
Exe Estuary paddle 2022-07-06 Across to Exmouth for a paddle up the east side of the estuary. Just past Lympstone the wind picked up to a F4 and paddling became hard work. Pleased and surprised to see I was still doing about 2mph against a F4. Stopped at SYC on the way back for lunch.
Squires Cup safety boat 2014-06-08 Safety boat duty on a rather damp and drizzly Sunday in June. Free tea though!
Evening up river dinghy cruise 2014-06-12 A lovely evening's sail up to the Goat Walk at Topsham. Sun and a decent wind (which only died as the last couple of boats arrived back). We had a brief detour a little way down the Clyst taking advantage of the high tide.
Newport Trophy yacht race - Exe to Dartmouth 2014-06-14 A very light winds yacht race (or timed rally) from the Exe to the Dart. Such light winds, in fact, that the race ended early on a line from the Ore Stone to Hope's Nose. Interesting "inshore passage" for some of the route between Berry Head and Dartmouth. Overnight stay on a mooring in Dittisham.
Tags: Exe
Ice cream at Lympstone 2018-08-18 As the wind was so light to start with, we sailed across to Lympstone for a chocolate and orange ice cream - but they were out of stock! A creamy strawberry was almost as nice. Then a few bits of decent wind as we sailed back and forth across the estuary in the Wayfarer.
Tags: Exe
Work cycle ride 2017-06-16 Into work and back
Exeter cycle ride 2017-10-22 Into Exeter with Liz. Strong headwinds on the way out - faster on the way back. Saw a Bentley with a bike rack on the back at the Swan's Next park.
Exeter and back 2018-01-20 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Picked up some free tide timetables from the very nice people at Bridger Marine on the Quay.
Up river safety boat 2024-05-04 A lovely sunny May day with a F3 wind and little tide. Up to about the Goat Walk.
October beach cafe sail 2014-10-11 Good winds and big tides for a late season sail from SYC down to the beach cafe. Some excellent winds round the Warren and the Docks. Died away a little bit for the last mile back to SYC.
Starcross Steamer 2015 2015-03-15 First cycle ride in ages. To SYC and back again for a brief watch of the Starcross Steamer pursuit dinghy race.
Estuary sailing in the Wayfarer 2015-04-10 A near enough perfect spring breeze made for an ideal morning's sailing on the Exe Estuary. Maybe 12 to 14 knots of steady south to south easterly wind made for a great morning's sailing in the Wayfarer with Liz's brother Julian. Chose the right day to take off work for once! The average speed isn't too bad but reduced a little by having to sail back up the estuary against the tides.
Exe to Dartmouth 2018-08-13 A lovely sail down from the Exe to Dartmouth. Wind ranged from very little to about 22 knots.
Tags: Exe
Cycle ride to work 2017-06-13 One of those "head wind in both directions" rides. Wind against on the way out and then a sea breeze against on the way back.
Down river paddle 2023-08-09 Next to no wind and very little tide, so a quick down river paddle against the little incoming tide. A few photos of the boat that sank at the weekend and was raised yesterday - as well as a few of the posher yachts on the estuary.
Beach cafe sail 2023-09-29 Down to the Exmouth Beach Cafe with Malcolm B in his RS Vision. Gusts not as strong as forecasted but the wind was very shifty. Gorgeous chocolate ice cream at the Beach Cafe (sorry Scooby).
And another twenty miles 2016-10-21 To the Mill On The Exe and back again. This one was very slightly easier than yesterday but that's probably because it was such a still day. Average of 12mph!!! I don't think I've ever averaged that before. Cheating slightly by stopping to read a chapter of a book at the Exe Quay (safe water mark) and at the Turf Locks - as it was such a nice day.
Pole Sands picnic 2015-08-15 Sail down from SYC to the Pole Sands. A bit of everything wind wise. From nothing to about a F4 and quite a lot of gusts in between, Put first reef in for the trip back which made things easier
Paddle to the Pole Sands 2015-08-17 A paddle from Starcross to the Pole Sands making the most of the sunny almost windless weather. Scooby ran miles on the sands.
SYC trip to the beach cafe - by bike 2015-09-05 A first SYC organised cycle ride. From SYC on the west back round to the beach cafe at Exmouth on the east bank. Ten participants.
Exeter bike ride 2021-10-20 Liz post work
Exeter and back 2017-08-26 Into Exeter and back. On the posh bike but far too many blind and deaf walkers, kids and doggies on the paths to be able to go too fast.
Exeter and back 2017-01-21 Cold days cycle ride into Exeter and back. Just above freezing. Very gentle ride with Liz - reflected in the somewhat slower than usual average speed.
Exeter and back 2016-11-28 A windy ride into Exeter and back. Luckily the wind (F5 to F7 on Met Office forecast) was mostly on the side,
April Free Sailing 2016-04-16 A pleasant sail back and forth across the estuary. Started about F4 gusting F5 so we went out with one reef. Wind eased so we shook out the reef. The offshore lifeboat came up the river.
First beach cafe sail of 2016 2016-04-23 First SYC sail to the Exmouth beach cafe in 2016. The forecast was north easterly F4 to F5. However, on the way back from the beach cafe it was really quite gusty and I'd guess that the gusts might just have been F6. Combined with a fairly large tide and the NE wind being against the tide, it made for an interesting sail back.
Beach cafe sail 2016-05-07 Wind forecast was for a F4 gusting F5 and, after a slow start, that's what we got. Stopped half way down to put in one reef. Top choccie ice cream at the Beach Cafe. With the wind well behind us on the way back, put two reefs in the main and had full headsail on the way back. Still went quite fast on the way back. The top speed of 9.8 knots - in a Wayfarer - is a clue to the size of the tides.
Salcombe to the Exe 2018-04-22 A great sail back from Salcombe to the Exe. Left the mooring in Salcombe and said goodbye to Simon T and Andy B leaving them to their Round Britain sail. Out over Salcombe Bar in thick fog. Experimented a bit further with the now fully working radar in Derek H's Fulmar and then headed off for the inshore passage around Start Point. Like the day before, wind was with tide so Start Point was fine and the fog mostly lifted as we reached Start Point. Then along past Berry head and into Torbay for some "man overboard" practise.Think I proved that I'd be able to get back to pick Derek up if he went overboard but without the practise I'd have probably run him over! Then up to the Exe waiting for the tide to change to allow a safe return to the mooring. Excellent weekend all round.
Tags: Exe
Up river paddle 2023-05-11 Lunch on the beach at Hannaford's Quay
Beach Cafe dinghy cruise 2023-05-20 A downriver dinghy cruise. All sorts of wind - from absolutely nothing in the 4 knot tide past the Warren with the Tudor Rose approaching to a good F4 for the 2nd half of the trip back.
Exe Regatta Committee boat 2016-07-16 On a rather nice Westerly acting as the Committee Boat for the catamaran racing of the 2016 Exe Regatta. Knowing nothing about dinghy racing, we were pulling up and down various flags at the request of the endlessly patient PK. No real idea what most of the flags meant and I suspect a very goodly proportion of the competitors don't (I think they just listen for the alternate sound signals). Still a very pleasant way to while away a Saturday afternoon on the Exe.
Dittisham to Exe 2024-07-04 After deciding that we both much preferred trying to get the AIS fully working before crossing the end of the shipping lanes on the way to Roscoff, we decided to head back to SYC and wait for the next decent weather window for a crossing. A fast sail back.
Tags: Exe
Exe to Salcombe 2018-04-21 A great sail from the Exe down to Salcombe. Sailed past Simon T and Andy B on Nelly Nui as they prepared for their Round Britain sail. Met up with them again off Dartmouth and we sailed on together towards Start Point. We took the inside passage around Start Point and encountered a really heavy rain shower including some very loud and rather too close for comfort thunder and lightening. After that it was a beautiful evening sailing across Salcombe Bar and onto a mooring followed by a fine dinner ashore.
Tags: Exe
Work cycle ride 2017-05-02 Cycle ride to work and back. Not that windy but the wind was against on the way to work and against on the way home!
Exe estuary paddle 2022-09-20 A short paddle across the Exe estuary.
Exeter and back 2016-12-29 Into Exeter and back. Moving average a little disappointing given how hard I pedaled!
Down river paddle 2022-07-15 And just a little bit out to sea. Lovely day - hot but with a cooling sea breeze. Retrieved a kite surfers board after he had some minor difficulties.
A tale of two ferries 2016-08-14 Up to buoy 45 at Topsham (off the Goat Walk) passing the Topsham to Turf ferry and then down to Starcross (to the Starcross to Exmouth ferry pier). Then round the floating cafe and back to SYC. A gorgeous day's sailing. A strong F3 up near Topsham and one of those rare days that it was warm enough to sail without a spray top. Marvelous.
Topper Open At SYC 2016-10-09 Junior Topper Open event at Starcross Yacht Club. Safety boat crew for the 4 back-to-back races for the 23 boats at this open sailing event. Decent winds all day between F2 and F4 from the north east. GPS battery ran out after only a couple of hours so most of the track is missing.
Paddle down to Starcross 2024-06-17 First time out this year in the Sea Eagle 486 inflatable kayak. Wind was a bit stronger than we'd hoped (low end of a F4) so we changed out plans and paddled out against the wind and tide. Which meant an easy trip back when we ran out of puff.
River Exe Cafe 2018-04-08 Birthday treat at the River Exe Cafe
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