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ActivityActivity dateActivity description
Exeter and back 2017-05-08 Cycle ride into Exeter and back with a stop at SYC on the way back. Not a bad average for me as I was on the Marin hybrid loaded up with a pannier, locks and a book.
Exeter and back - quite fast 2017-02-18 A very fast (for me) ride out to Exeter (averaged 16.2mph - would have been faster but for the hordes of pedestrians on the last couple of miles) and a somewhat slower ride back into quite a strong head wind. Stopped briefly at SYC to watch the dinghy instructor pre-prep course. Fastest overall average I've managed on the 20 miles "Exeter and back" ride. First time averaging over 14 mph!
Exeter and back 2016-12-18 Foggy ride into Exeter and back
Exeter and back 2017-10-07 Too windy for us to want to go sailing (F4 gusting F6) so Liz and I cycled into Exeter and back.
Exeter and back 2017-12-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz
Exeter and back 2017-02-27 A gentle ride into Exeter and back. A mixture of sunshine and showers but at least the wind was from the side. Most impressively, Liz managed to come off her bike but still remain standing at the end of the manoeuvre!
Exeter and back 2017-03-04 A gentle wide into Exeter and back with Liz.
Exeter cycle ride 2017-10-22 Into Exeter with Liz. Strong headwinds on the way out - faster on the way back. Saw a Bentley with a bike rack on the back at the Swan's Next park.
Exeter and back 2017-02-06 Super fast on the way out. A bit slower on the way back. The last five miles were into a fairly strong headwind right on the nose. That and pouring rain and the cold put a slight damper on the last quarter!
Exeter and back 2016-12-17 First ride in a fortnight - work and the weather put paid to the previous weekend.
Exeter bike ride 2021-10-20 Liz post work
Exeter and back 2017-04-24 A fairly gentle ride into Exeter and back. Had the Marin loaded up with a pannier and computer bag as though I was going to cycle into work. After a bit of adjustment it all seemed to work ok.
Exeter and back 2018-01-20 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Picked up some free tide timetables from the very nice people at Bridger Marine on the Quay.
Exeter and back 2018-01-28 First time on the bike after the gears were mended. All good.
Exeter and back 2017-04-17 In to Exeter on the Marin bike. Stopped at SYC on the way back to watch Liz and Nigel on the safety boat. About the same strength and direction wind as yesterday so it seems that the posh bike makes me about 1.5 mph faster.
Exeter and back 2017-01-21 Cold days cycle ride into Exeter and back. Just above freezing. Very gentle ride with Liz - reflected in the somewhat slower than usual average speed.
Exeter and back 2016-12-05 To the Mill On The Exe and back
Exeter and back 2017-08-26 Into Exeter and back. On the posh bike but far too many blind and deaf walkers, kids and doggies on the paths to be able to go too fast.
Exeter and back 2017-04-16 Into Exeter and back. A fair old head wind on the way out but speedy on the way back. Not a bad average for me given that I'm still not fully over the lurgie I've had for the last couple of weeks.
Lutzys cafe 2017-11-11 A cycle ride into Exeter and back with Liz. Stopped at Lutzy's Cafe for the rather nice custard tarts and some coffee.
Exeter and back 2017-12-26 Easy ride on teh way out. Wet and windy on the way back. Stopped at SYC on the way back to fix the webcam and weather PC. Weather station recording 20 knots of wind right on the nose for the remaining part of the journey home.
Exeter and back 2016-12-03 A windy ride into Exeter and back, Liz still in post lurgie mode.
Exeter and back 2016-11-19 Another 20 mile ride into Exeter and back. First ever average of 13 mph on a twenty mile ride. Storm Angus had left the flood prevention overflows in full spate in Exeter.
Exeter 2018-05-18 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Coffee at Lutzys and then a fairly strong breeze to contend with on the way back.
Exeter and back 2017-04-14 Wanted a nice gentle ride as it was the first time back on the bike in three weeks - a camper van trip and a slow to end lurgie having got in the way. And a nice gentle ride with Liz it was.
Exeter and back 2017-01-05 Quite fast on the way out but a bit of a head wind on the way back slowed things down a bit overall.
Xmas eve ride 2016-12-24 Into Exeter and back. First solo ride for a couple of week and the slightly higher speeds made it hard work!
Xmas day bike ride 2016-12-25 A ride with Liz into Exeter and back. Lots of kids on the cycle path with shiny new Xmas present bikes.
Exeter and back 2018-04-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Stopped for a coffee at Lutzy's. Watched the dredger deepening the channel out from the Turf Locks.
Exeter and back 2016-11-28 A windy ride into Exeter and back. Luckily the wind (F5 to F7 on Met Office forecast) was mostly on the side,
And another twenty miles 2016-10-21 To the Mill On The Exe and back again. This one was very slightly easier than yesterday but that's probably because it was such a still day. Average of 12mph!!! I don't think I've ever averaged that before. Cheating slightly by stopping to read a chapter of a book at the Exe Quay (safe water mark) and at the Turf Locks - as it was such a nice day.
Floods, a puncture and a disputed cupcake 2018-03-04 Post snow flooding on the Exe cycle path meant a bunch of walking. Liz didn't want the gorgeous Lutzy's cupcake bought for her so it was half each - the first "snack" this year! Then a blowout on the way home on Lizzie's rear tyre. Not helped by the poxy pump we had with us only being able to half inflate the tyre. A trip to the LBS tomorrow for a replacement.
Into Exeter and back 2017-08-05 Too windy for sailing so we went cycling. Quite a big bit windy said Liz after her first time on the bike for quite a while.
New Years Eve bike ride 2016-12-31 Exeter and back
Bike ride into Exeter 2017-07-02 A leisurely bike ride into Exeter with Liz. Liz's first time on the bike in a while. Combine that with hundreds of ISCA Academy 10 year olds vying to see which one of them could throw themselves under Liz's front wheel first, and the average speed makes more sense. Stopped at SYC on the way back.
Exeter and back 2018-02-16 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Straight into a headwind on the way home.
Exeter and back 2017-12-04 A ride into Exeter and back with Liz
Exeter and back 2017-03-10 Into Exeter and back. Average speed not too bad given that there was quite a strong headwind on the way back.
Exeter and back 2016-12-29 Into Exeter and back. Moving average a little disappointing given how hard I pedaled!
Exeter and back 2016-11-27 Liz's first time back on the bike at the tail end of a two week lurgy.
Another twenty miles 2016-10-20 Third day in a row of cycling into Exeter and back. Every day is getting harder - surely that's not right! A couple of "reading breaks" on the way back.
Exeter and back 2018-02-12 A gentle cycle ride into Exeter with Liz. First time on the bike in nearly two weeks due to a winter lurgie that refused to go. Still not 100% right yet! Lutzys was still closed.
Dawlish and Exeter 2017-12-18 Into Dawlish with Liz to pay a bill and then up to Lutzy's on Exeter Quay. A lovely sunny winter's day with next to no wind. Liz says "bad back and snotty nose" the reason for the slightly low average speed.
Exeter and back 2017-02-21 Another "fast for me" ride into Exeter and back. Fast - as in more than 14mph average. There was a sod of a headwind on the way out so made up time on the way back (although I could swear that the wind changed direction just as a I started back from Exeter).
Exeter and back 2018-01-29 Into Exeter and back with Liz to do a bit of shopping. Bit windy and had to walk past the people putting up a new fence along the railway along the estuary. There was a new cruise boat - The Spirit Of Loch Ness - in the Turf Lock. Not seen her before.
Exeter and back 2017-06-12 Quite hard work as I hadn't been on the bike for the last three weeks and there was a bit of a head wind on the way out.
Bike ride to Exeter 2016-10-18 Start of a possible attempt to maybe get a little fitter. A twenty mile round trip ride into Exeter (Mill on the Exe area) and back again. The final climb back up Cockwood Hill nearly killed me.
Another twenty miles 2016-10-19 Another ride into Exeter and back. Hard work!
Exeter and back 2017-12-09 Into Exeter and back. Just got bike back from a big service by Jon S. Combination of a freshly serviced bike and not much wind made the moving average a bit better than some other recent rides.
Bolberry Down and Soar Mill Sove 2019-09-07 First day of hols! Whiteley's off to new camp-site near Salcombe - remember for family happiness mobile signal not great for route finding! New camp-site with very friendly owners.Walked to Saw Mill Cove lots of dog swimming & ball throwing. Views of Rame Head (Liz's favourite headland!), Burgh Island & the Eddystone. Expensive pints at newly furbished bar on way back.
Channel Islands - Exe to Brixham 2012-06-01 A sail down from Starcross Yacht Club on the Exe to Brixham ready for an 0200 departure from Brixham to Guernsey. Average speed an estimate as GPS time data lost.
Channel Islands - Alderney to Exe 2012-06-06 The return sail from Braye Harbour Alderney to the Exe Estuary. The second half of the sail was very breezy as we sailed across in a gap between two lows. Unfortuantely only the 2nd half of the track was saved on the GPS.
Countess Wear paddle 2021-04-20 From SYC up to the Countess Wear bridge on the Exe. A sea breeze filled in more than expected for mid April and the tides were only neaps so a fair old workout on the way back.
Tags: Exe
Scoobys second canoe trip 2012-09-08 Sccobys second canoe trip. To the Bull Sand and then down to the Warren. First trip out of his depth.
Meandering on Exe Estuary 2012-09-09 Some gusts but mostly lulls on short Wayfarer sail
Dittisham to Exe 2024-07-04 After deciding that we both much preferred trying to get the AIS fully working before crossing the end of the shipping lanes on the way to Roscoff, we decided to head back to SYC and wait for the next decent weather window for a crossing. A fast sail back.
Tags: Exe
Beach cafe sail 2023-09-29 Down to the Exmouth Beach Cafe with Malcolm B in his RS Vision. Gusts not as strong as forecasted but the wind was very shifty. Gorgeous chocolate ice cream at the Beach Cafe (sorry Scooby).
Car buying bike ride - part 1 2013-04-21 Bike ride into town to look for a new old car given that our Citroen has just dies with only 77k on the clock.
Up river to the Turf 2013-04-28 Only the 2nd dinghy sail of the year. Up river as far as the Turf in a nice gentle breeze
Exe paddling 2023-03-27 Down to the wreck of the South Coaster. First paddle after fitting new rudder to kayak. Worked just as well as hoped for - the weathercocking is vastly diminished - especially for wind on the aft quarter which used to make the kayak tiring to keep steady. Pleased because it was quite windy.
Tags: Exe
Starcross Steamer 2017 2017-02-05 Down to Starcross Yacht Club for the annual Starcross Steamer dinghy pursuit race. One hundred boats on the water.
Exe to Dartmouth 2013-06-08 An SYC cruiser race from the Exe Safe Water Mark to the entrance of the Dart at Dartmouth. Then up to Dittisham for the night moored up on a visitors buoy. I think I need a new GPS with a bit more memory as the start of this GPS track seems to have been lost as the available memory was overwritten by the next days sail down to Plymouth.
Tags: Exe
Liz and Jill go large 2013-06-14 Too much talking too much wind and too much carrot cake to make for a respectable average speed but not bad on the distance front. Next week the girls will be cycling to Exmouth and back apparently.
Down river safety boat 2019-08-17 Safety boat for the Jim Vallis Memorial dinghy cruise. Down to beach cafe. Wind between about F1 and F4.
Work cycle ride 2017-09-06 Work cycle ride
To St Davids and back 2016-10-27 Slightly longer cycle ride today to make up for doing the last 2.5 miles yesterday by car (due to having broken three spokes on the rear wheel). So it was on the "spare bike" today which I hadn't ridden in about a decade. That's a Ridgeback Genesis Day 2. I stopped riding it as the estuary path used to be too rough for it. With the new cycle way its an ideal bike. At maybe a couple of stone lighter than the normal bike (with its panniers etc) and with no breeze at all, it felt like cheating. Keeping up with Liz was much easier than the last couple of time!
Monday afternoon on the Pole Sands 2013-07-15 A canoe trip from Cockwood Harbour to the Pole Sands off Exmouth. Scooby loved it.
Post work paddle 2013-07-17 A paddle down the Exe Estuary and along the Pole Sands with Nigel after work. A lovely sunny evening in the middle of the heat wave. Photos by Liz from a distance!
Down river paddle 2022-07-15 And just a little bit out to sea. Lovely day - hot but with a cooling sea breeze. Retrieved a kite surfers board after he had some minor difficulties.
Paddle down to Starcross 2024-06-17 First time out this year in the Sea Eagle 486 inflatable kayak. Wind was a bit stronger than we'd hoped (low end of a F4) so we changed out plans and paddled out against the wind and tide. Which meant an easy trip back when we ran out of puff.
Lympstone and back 2016-12-04 Round the Exe Estuary trail to Lympstone and back.
Another twenty miles 2016-10-26 Out with Liz for another cycle ride into Exeter and back. Trying to "power" up the bridge at Powderham, I broke 3 spokes on the rear wheel. So the last 2.5 miles are Liz alone as she went home to get the car to rescue me and the broken bike. That means the "reserve" bike tomorrow - the almost unridden Ridgeback Genesis Day Two.
Autumn beach cafe sail 2013-10-05 An autumn sail down to the beach cafe. The sun put in an appearance and there was occasionally a bit of wind to use in the big springs tide
Paddle round Pole Sands 2013-10-06 A paddle from Cockwood, out of the estuary and round the Pole Sands. There were even some little waves at times.
Portland to SYC on the Exe 2019-05-25

From Portland Harbour, round Portland Bill to Starcross Yacht Club on the Exe.

As ever, a rounding of Portland Bill by the inshore passage required careful planning. In our case, this meant that to get safe and helpful tides we had to be off the end of Portland Bill at 16:30 - a late start given the long sail to the Exe after the Bill.

As we left the excellent Portland Harbour there were fleets of Oppies and Toppers training. We then closed the Bill near Grove Point and the tide helped us speed down the 5 metre contour line to round the Bill. Again, we had the obelisk at the end of the Bill lined up with the red band on the lighthouse (meaning we'd be far enough off the rocks but - usually - not too far off to be in the race).

The biggest challenge - once again - was to avoid the swarms of tiny appallingly marked lobster pot buoys that appeared to be laid out like some minefield grid!

After passing Pulpit Rock on the west side, we started heading off towards the Exe. With the late start, this meant that we'd be going up the Exe in the dark. However, it also meant that we decided to sail in the light winds after it got too dark to see the lobster pots also scattered in Lyme Bay.

The trip up the Exe was OKish. The lights in the fairway are better than when I last did it in the dark - maybe three years ago - but there are still two unlit buoys (numbers 14 and 21 IIRC) in the Exe itself. Additionally there are a few large metal mooring buoys that encroach too far into the marked channel meaning a risk of a serious "ding" to a boat's gel coat without local knowledge and/or someone with a decent light on the front of the boat to spot them. Back on the mooring at SYC at 01:30.

Tags: Exe
Work cycle ride 2017-05-12 Into and Exeter and back to work.
Up river to Topsham Quay and back 2014-04-19 Second sail of the season up the Exe as far as Topsham Quay (where the winds got a little too light and fickle to go much further). A high tide sail so straight over "Greenland" on the way up.
First beach cafe sail of the year. 2014-05-03 A lovely F3 south easterly for a sail down to the Exmouth Beach Cafe and back again
Beach Cafe dinghy cruise 2023-05-20 A downriver dinghy cruise. All sorts of wind - from absolutely nothing in the 4 knot tide past the Warren with the Tudor Rose approaching to a good F4 for the 2nd half of the trip back.
Sail on Nigel's Dart 2014-07-14 Beach cafe and just a bit beyond on Nigel's Dart 18. A day of lulls and gusts. A max speed of 14.6 knots is just a bit faster than I'm used to with my Wayfarer
Sail on Nigel's Dart 2014-08-18 A decent wind (gusting maybe F5) for a storming sail on Nigel's Dart. Some excellent speeds with a top speed of over 17 knots - probably the fastest I've been under sail. Top stuff
Work cycle ride 2017-08-15 Work and back
First beach cafe sail of 2015 2015-04-19 A down river sail from SYC to the Exmouth beach cafe. Strange winds - a bit of everything. Off Cockwood the NE wind met a sea breeze and shifted 180 degrees! It did this on both the way down and the way back. Coming back to the Club the wind got a bit lively for the last 5 minutes of the sail.
First SYC dinghy cruise of 2015 2015-04-25 An upriver dinghy cruise to start the 2015 season of SYC organised dinghy cruises. Pleasant wind - maybe F3
Second Wayfarer sail of the year 2017-04-14 A short sail in the Wayfarer. Sail somewhat shortened as replacing the forestay with a new one took longer than expected - the mousing line was shorter than the mast so we ended up with no stay or mousing line in the mast! Light winds so we practiced some on water reefing.
Work cycle ride 2017-06-23 In to Exeter and back. Stopped at SYC on the way back.
Ore Stone and back - Chaos 2015-09-26 Trial SYC "race" from Exe safe water mark, round the Teignmouth outfall buoy, round the Ore Stone and back to the Exe SWM. A really great day's sailing. Relaxed and sunny on the downwind leg to the Ore Stone and really good sailing on the upwind leg back to the Exe SWM. The wind moved round a little to the east on the way back making (for us) a straight line sail; pretty much all the way back. The "Chaos" in the title refers the the race's putative title - "CHase Around the Ore Stone"
Tags: Exe SWM
October dinghy cruise 2015-10-10 An iffy weather forecast (F4 gusting F5 with occasional F6) didn't tie up with the conditions at the start time so we went out with one reef. In the end, it turned out to be a lovely sail.
SYC to Topsham SC 2016-06-11 A paddle up the Exe from SYC to Topsham Sailing Club and back. First paddle of the year - a poor do indeed!
Squires Cup Safety Boat 2016-06-12 Safety boat for the Squires Cup racing for dinghies and cats on the Exe Estuary. Not a lot of wind so not much call for our services. Some rain at times.
Down river paddle 2023-08-09 Next to no wind and very little tide, so a quick down river paddle against the little incoming tide. A few photos of the boat that sank at the weekend and was raised yesterday - as well as a few of the posher yachts on the estuary.
Exeter and back 2016-11-26 Another twenty miler into Exeter and back.
Mackerel for tea 2016-07-18 A glorious summer sail on a Dart 18 with Nigel H. Caught some mackerel for the first time ever - a few hundred yards off the safe water mark. Blisteringly hot and light winds - ideal for a summer sail / drift
Summer Sail 2016-07-30 Went up river to about the Goat Walk and then back again. Liz did some helming for about the 3rd time in the 10 years we've been sailing on the Exe. Then some on water reefing practice and then back to SYC for the "Commodore's BBQ".
Commodore's Cruise 2017-07-29 The weather forecast was rubbish - no winds and heavy rain. Turned out to be a nice wind and only occasional rain.
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