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ActivityActivity dateActivity description
Ride to Exeter Quay and back 2013-10-07 Light winds on the way to the Quay and a head wind on the way back. New walking boots at Framers Friend. Wearing out the soles of walking boots every years must mean we are walking the dog too much.
2017 miles cycled in 2017 2017-12-02 This track reaches my target of cycling 2017 miles in 2017! Was meant to be a gentle ride to Lutzys for lunch but a torn wall on the side of Liz's tyre meant that we had to abandon and get a new tyre. Then into Exeter Quay a little later reaching the 2017 mile mark somewhere near the Turf Locks.
Up river sail 2014-08-16 A very pleasant up river sail as far as Topsham Sailing Club. Between F2 and F4 in the estuary but died away to very little when going up the estuary. With the tide having turned, we didn't get much furtehr than TSC.
Malpas and St Clement 2015-09-21 A shortish walk round Malpas and St Clement. Found a good canoe launching slipway just south of Truro at Sunny Corner Quay. Seafood platter for lunch at The Heron in Malpas was good.
Sunny Corner Quay and the Tresillian River 2015-09-23 From the small Sunny Corner Quay on the edge of Truro round to the Tresillian River on the Fal Estuary. Not too far today as there was a keen wind to be paddled against on the way back down the Tresillian.
Thalmia launch 2022-04-02 Helping with the launch of Derek H's Thalmia from Topsham Quay.
St Helier to St Quay Portrieux 2017-05-31 After a light wind start, a lovely sail down from St Helier, Jersey to St Quay Portrieux on the Brittany coast. Sailed under cruising chute for most of the way. St Quay has the huge advantage of being an "all tide" port (i.e. no need to wait for there to be enough water over a marina cill).
St Quay to Ile De Brehat 2017-06-02 Up from St Quay-Portreaux to Ile de Brehat. The Ile de Brehat is a small island on a rocky shore. Somewhat similar to Sark (no cars and a very small population like Sark but no cliffs).
Hartland Quay 2017-09-20 A short walk to dinner from Stoke Barton Campsite on Hartland Point. Hartland Point is a scary place if you think about sailing near it in the wind or fog and the granite "teeth" of the rocks only enhance this. The Hartland Quay Hotel was a really nice pub doing good food.
Topsham cycle ride 2020-03-09 Round to Darts Farm. Stopped at Topsham Quay to see who was working on their boat and for coffee and a hot cross bun.
Launching Thalmia 2021-03-30 With Derek H as his Fulmar was launched from Topsham Quay on the highest tides of the year. A lovely day so on out to sea. A bit of wind for some sailing. Lunch anchored at Sandy Bay where a couple of small dolphins came out to play. Then some drifting waiting for enough rise of tide to come back in. Plenty of sand / mud bank changes over the winter. The port hand buoys in the swashway had breakign waves. The clearance coming up to buoy 3 was just 30 centimetres below the keel. Then nudged sand banks at buoy 21 and just before SYC
Helford Kayaking 2023-09-10 A lovely paddle on the Helford. Via FranchMan's Creek then up to Tremayne Quay for lunch (and a VHF message relay for a broken down dory). Then back via Port Navas.
Helford Paddling 2023-05-18 A quick dip into Frenchman's Creek and then up to near Tremayne Quay for a coffee stop. The first bit of the track is on land to measure the distance we dragged the kayak back up from Helford Passage to the campervan. Quite hard work but do-able. The kayak launching fee from Helford Passage was £2 which we thought was fair (and the more expensive ice cream was very nice too).
Boat fettling in Topsham 2020-03-16 Round to Topsham to help Derek H put sails and stuff back on his boat after the winter. Derek went up the mast - far braver than me.
St Davids and back 2018-11-05 Into Exeter St Davids with Liz to pick up some train tickets. Coffee on the Quay on the way back (where police divers were searching the river for a missing person).
Tags: Quay
Exeter and back 2019-01-12 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Coffee at Bar Venezia and then some birthday shopping at the quay cellars.
Tags: Quay
To Exeter and back 2012-08-06 A ride along the estuary and canal into Exeter and back
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2022-08-11 M&S
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2020-02-19 Into Exeter after the floods
Tags: Exeter
Exeter shopping 2019-10-19 Into Exeter with Liz for a bit of shopping
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2014-07-07 Wild swans and some of the best cheesy chips ever!
Tags: Exeter
First bike ride of 2015 2015-01-04 Liz ride into Exeter and back
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2020-02-12 Into Exeter with Liz via Exminster (as the bumpy bit of the cycle path is being repaired - hurrah!).
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2019-10-06 Into Exeter with Liz. Liz's left knee AWOL so really the average speed should be doubled to 19.8 mph. Mrs Lutzy's full again with bloody cyclists!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2020-03-18 Into Exeter with Liz on a post work bike ride
Tags: Exeter
Another twenty miles 2016-10-20 Third day in a row of cycling into Exeter and back. Every day is getting harder - surely that's not right! A couple of "reading breaks" on the way back.
Tags: Exeter
Hundred miles this week 2016-10-22 The fifth 20 miler of the week. I'd expected this to be a gentle cycle ride with Liz but she was all gung ho! Way faster than I was expecting and I wasn't allowed my usual stopping places to have a breather. This was the fifth day out in a row doing 20 miles meaning that the target of doing 100 miles in a week was reached with 2 days to spare.Day off tomorrow!
Tags: Exeter
Another twenty miles 2016-10-26 Out with Liz for another cycle ride into Exeter and back. Trying to "power" up the bridge at Powderham, I broke 3 spokes on the rear wheel. So the last 2.5 miles are Liz alone as she went home to get the car to rescue me and the broken bike. That means the "reserve" bike tomorrow - the almost unridden Ridgeback Genesis Day Two.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2016-11-19 Another 20 mile ride into Exeter and back. First ever average of 13 mph on a twenty mile ride. Storm Angus had left the flood prevention overflows in full spate in Exeter.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2022-07-15 A little bit of Exeter shopping
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2020-02-26 Into Exeter and Liz's work. Windy on the way in. Coffee at Mrs Lutzys.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2019-10-12 No wind, no bags - so quite a fast time for me. Last 1/4 mile of normal ride was flooded by the Exe.
Tags: Exeter
Liz ride to work and Exeter 2019-03-27 Liz cycle ride to work and then into Exeter with Aidan for lunch at Mrs Lutzys. Aidan had a puncture on the way home and had brought the right sized spare tyre but with the wrong sized valve. Doh. Liz cycled home and then rescued Aidan in the car.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2016-12-03 A windy ride into Exeter and back, Liz still in post lurgie mode.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2016-12-05 To the Mill On The Exe and back
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2016-12-17 First ride in a fortnight - work and the weather put paid to the previous weekend.
Tags: Exeter
Xmas eve ride 2016-12-24 Into Exeter and back. First solo ride for a couple of week and the slightly higher speeds made it hard work!
Tags: Exeter
Redundancy ride 2020-01-10 Into work employed. Back from work redundant - well at least in 12 days time!
Tags: Exeter
Fast Exeter cycle ride with Liz 2020-03-13 Into Exeter with Liz (who put a bit of effort in for once). Mrs Lutzy was pleased to see us (but no kisses)!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-03-26 Into Exeter for the last bits and pieces for Liz's pallet based compost bins project.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-02-21 Another "fast for me" ride into Exeter and back. Fast - as in more than 14mph average. There was a sod of a headwind on the way out so made up time on the way back (although I could swear that the wind changed direction just as a I started back from Exeter).
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-02-27 A gentle ride into Exeter and back. A mixture of sunshine and showers but at least the wind was from the side. Most impressively, Liz managed to come off her bike but still remain standing at the end of the manoeuvre!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-03-04 A gentle wide into Exeter and back with Liz.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-03-10 Into Exeter and back. Average speed not too bad given that there was quite a strong headwind on the way back.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2022-08-15 Shopping trip.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2019-12-31 Into Exeter with Liz for a spot of shopping
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-08-04 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Coffee at Mrs Lutzys.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter ride 2019-03-23 Into Exeter with Liz for lunch at Mrs Lutzy's. A rather slow ride as Liz had a bad knee and was really only riding with one leg. I'm assuming if she'd had two legs available we'd have averaged 18 mph...
Tags: Exeter
Work cycle ride 2017-05-12 Into and Exeter and back to work.
Tags: Exeter
Work cycle ride 2017-05-23 Into work and back. Not much wind which made it a bit easier.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2021-10-07 First time into Exeter in ages
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-12-29 Into Exeter with Liz. Coffee and a custard pie at Mrs Lutzys.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2019-07-27 Into Exeter and back with Liz
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-03-17 Into Exeter with Liz. First day in a week that the winds weren't above force 6! Still windy though so hard work on the way in and Mrs Lutzy's was full! Stopped at Dawlish Warren bike cafe to get the gears on Liz's bike "fine tuned". Met up with Dr John.
Tags: Exeter
Bike ride into Exeter 2017-07-02 A leisurely bike ride into Exeter with Liz. Liz's first time on the bike in a while. Combine that with hundreds of ISCA Academy 10 year olds vying to see which one of them could throw themselves under Liz's front wheel first, and the average speed makes more sense. Stopped at SYC on the way back.
Tags: Exeter
Work cycle ride 2017-07-06 Fast for me - especially as it was on the old bike and with two heavy panniers.
Tags: Exeter
Work cycle ride 2017-07-14 Would have been a bit faster if a) an idiot car driver hadn't driven slowly down the cycle path to the Turf Locks and then cut me up at the Turf and b) my chain hadn't come off the front cog just past the Turf. On the plus side, Little Mix weren't sound checking as I went past the concert ground at Powderham.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-07-16 It was going to be a longer ride round to Lympstone but it started raining and the wind got up. Still - first time ever with an average speed of over 15 mph! Would have been faster except for having to slow down so often for huge numbers of kids and walkers. They are also digging up the cycle path at Exe Bridges which meant walking round various diversions and not getting the full 20 miles in.
Tags: Exeter
New bike wheels! 2021-06-14 Back from the bike shop in Exeter after getting a new pair of Hope 20five wheels fitted to the bike. The bloody wheels originally supplied with the Triban died when a spoke pulled through a rim and shattered the rim. Good riddance! New wheels seem fine (hard to tell with a decent tail wind pushing you along). But the gear adjustment is shagged - both front and back. I'll try to fix that before taking back to the bike shop.
Tags: Exeter
Xmas cycle ride 2019-12-25 Into Exeter and back with Liz (who forgot the mince pies). Sunny and no wind!
Tags: Exeter
Meet up at the Imperial 2019-07-06 Into Exeter with Liz to meet up with Rose and Midge at the Imperial.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-04-19 Bank holiday cycle ride into Exeter. Roughly two billion badly behaved children and dog owners on the path.
Tags: Exeter
Work cycle ride 2017-09-06 Work cycle ride
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-10-07 Too windy for us to want to go sailing (F4 gusting F6) so Liz and I cycled into Exeter and back.
Tags: Exeter
Cycling into Brian 2017-10-21 In fact, Storm Brian was mostly a westerly and Liz and I were cycling mostly north / south so apart from the occasional big gust, it didn't make too much of a difference. The coffee and custard tart at Lutzys was very good!
Tags: Exeter
Exminster and Exeter 2021-04-21 Into Exminster to meet up with Liz after work and then onto the opticians in Exeter to get some glasses mended. First visit to the big city since the plague struck!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-06-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz.
Tags: Exeter
Marsh Barton 2017-12-22 Into Marsh Barton and Bakers Yard for some army Surplus and Brooks Basics shopping. Then on to Lutzy's for a coffee and pastry on the Quay.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2017-12-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz
Tags: Exeter
Windy Exeter ride 2018-01-01 A very breezy ride into Exeter with Liz. Hard work on the way out - easier on the way back. Exe was flooding so couldn't get all the way to the Mill on the Exe. Stopped at Lutzy's for coffee.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2018-01-06 Into the centre of Exeter to pick up Liz's phone after a repair because it got dunked in "a bowl of water". Excellent service from IT Mobile in Gandy Street.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2020-02-27 Into Exeter after Liz finished work. Really quite windy on the way in. River somewhat flooded.
Tags: Exeter
Back from Exeter 2019-10-12 Back from Exeter. Not quite so fast on the way back as a little bit of a headwind got up while I was snacking at Mrs Lutzys.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2018-03-31 Into a strong headwind on the way into Exeter but that made it almost a pleasure on the way home. Lots of bank holiday numpties on the cycle path with their badly behaved kids and dogs.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2018-04-07 Into Exeter and back with Liz
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2018-04-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Stopped for a coffee at Lutzy's. Watched the dredger deepening the channel out from the Turf Locks.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2018-05-12 Into Exeter and back with Liz.
Tags: Exeter
Flooded cycle ride 2019-11-24 Into Exeter after a lot of rain. Road alongside the Estuary was flooded. Liz got wet feet!
Tags: Exeter
Lizzies 100 mile week - Part 1 2019-03-02 Aidan goes abroad for work amd Lizzie does a 100 miles on the bike in one week!
Tags: Exeter
Kayak shopping 2018-07-22 Into Exeter with Liz to AWS Watersports looking for a sit on top kayak to complement our canadian canoe! Hot.
Tags: Exeter
Lidls and SYC 2018-08-05 A trip into town with Liz to pick up some cheap tat at Lidls and then stopped for a coffee at SYC where the weather was perfect for the Kathleen/Buxton Belle Trophy races. But that did mean we were cycling back into a stiff sea breeze.
Tags: Exeter
To the canoe shop 2018-08-20 Into Exeter to buy a replacement kick stand for the canoe trolley
Tags: Exeter
Breakfast at Lutzys 2018-09-29 Into Exeter with Liz for breakfast at Lutzys on the Quay. Quite slow as it was Liz's first time back on the bike for about 6 weeks. Replacement saddle and grips on my bike were fine.
Tags: Exeter
Post work DIY shopping 2020-10-22 Into Exeter for some paint and stuff.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-11-18 Into Exeter with Liz. Tacked on a couple fo extra miles to get me to under 100 miles to annual target. Liz going super speedy to break the 10mph barrier for the first time in a few weeks!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-05-11 Into Exeter with Liz. Stopped at Lutzys and SYC on the way back.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2019-02-24 After more fettling with the new Triban, into Exeter and back with Liz for coffee and choccie and Mrs Lutzy's.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2018-11-24 Into Exeter and back with Liz. First bike ride after a couple of weeks in India for work. From 30 degrees plus each day down to a couple of degrees and rain was a bit of a shock to the system. Stopped at Screwfix for house bits and Lutzys for coffee and a cup cake.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter and back 2018-12-01 A ride with Liz into Exeter for coffee and tarts at Lutzy's.
Tags: Exeter
Ride into Exeter 2018-12-10 A cycle ride with Liz into Exeter. Mrs Lutzy's was closed so we had another cool coffee on the other side of the quay. On posh bike and no wind so an easy ride.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2020-10-07 To pick up some bitumous paint
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-11-16 Into Exeter with Liz
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-05-05 Into Exeter with Liz who didn't appreciate either the wind against us both ways or Mrs Lutzy's being full again.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter and back 2019-02-23 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Mrs Lutzy's too busy to get a table for coffee!!!
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike shop 2019-01-19 Into Exeter and the Bike Shed bike shop to see if I can get the handlebars on the Marin changed to improve the riding position a little.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2019-01-25 Into Exeter and the Bike Shed to get the handlebars on the Marin changed. However, a change of plan when discussing options at the shop meant leaving the bike there and catching the train back.
Tags: Exeter
Into Exeter 2019-01-26 Into Exeter and back with Liz. Coffee and a custard tart at Lutzy's (after her Xmas / New Year break). Started to get windy on the way back.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2020-10-01 Into Exeter to buy more DIY materials for our house - that a professional will have to remove / repair at some point in the future.
Tags: Exeter
Exeter bike ride 2019-11-10 Into Exeter with Liz
Tags: Exeter
Exeter cycle ride 2019-04-20 Into Exeter on a hot Easter Saturday.
Tags: Exeter
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